Grants from the Sid W. Richardson Foundation help to advance the missions of nonprofit organizations that serve the people of Texas. Grants are made primarily to educational, health, human service, and cultural organizations. No grants are made to individuals.
Sid W. Richardson established the Foundation in 1947. When substantial income from assets from the late Mr. Richardson’s estate became available in 1962, the Foundation began its current program of distributing major grants. Although his interests reached beyond Texas and his personal contacts were worldwide, he retained his utmost concern for the people of his home state. Throughout the years, the Board of Directors and staff have sought to fulfill his vision.
Regarding his reputation as a tireless dealmaker, Mr. Richardson was once quoted as saying, “Only one thing I know…I’ll still be tradin’ when they bury me.” As he predicted, after arriving at St. Joseph Island from his office in Fort Worth, he died quietly in his sleep after a full day of activities on September 30, 1959.
Because of his interest in the American West, Mr. Richardson became an avid collector of paintings by Frederic Remington and Charles M. Russell and other prominent American artists. Today, these magnificent paintings are on permanent exhibit in Fort Worth in the Sid Richardson Museum, which is supported by the Foundation.
Sid W. Richardson established his foundation in 1947. Although his interests reached beyond Texas and his personal contacts were worldwide, he retained his utmost concern for the people of his home state. For this reason, he provided in the Foundation’s charter that all grants be awarded to recipients within the state of Texas.
Throughout the years, the Board of Directors and staff have sought to fulfill his vision by providing grants primarily in the areas of education, healthcare, human services and culture. Reflecting on the Foundation’s accomplishments, Edward P. Bass, Chairman of the Board of Directors, said,

“Our Foundation is dedicated to funding meaningful organizations that help improve our society. Sid Richardson would be pleased to know that he established a foundation that continues to affect so many people in such a positive way.”
The Richardson Foundation also operates the Sid Richardson Museum, an art museum that features exhibitions of paintings and sculptures of the premier artists of the American West, including paintings from Sid Richardson’s personal collection and art on loan from other nationally renowned collections. The art museum is located in Sundance Square in Fort Worth, Texas.


The Foundation’s annual reports highlight issues of interest in recent years. In 1990, the Foundation established the Sid W. Richardson Foundation Forum to provide a venue for leaders from schools, businesses, government, universities, and foundations to discuss education reform. Both the Foundation’s annual reports and the Forum’s reports on education issues in Texas are available online.
Links to helpful organizations provide resources for those seeking information about other funding sources and the nonprofit community.
Annual Reports
Links to Helpful Organizations
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Contact the Foundation
The Sid W. Richardson Foundation is in downtown Fort Worth in historic Sundance Square. The offices are on the second floor of the Sid Richardson Museum building.
309 Main Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102